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Thursday, 20 June 2013

So it begins……

Finally the dilemma of which B-School to join ended for me when I became a part of the NITIE family. The first thing that I noticed about Mumbai is that the rains just don’t stop here but when I entered the NITIE campus, it was a mesmerizing experience. The serenity of the campus is so overwhelming; no wonder it’s called “GOD’S OWN CAMPUS”.

The date was 17th June 2013, the big day, the day which marked the beginning of my journey as an MBA student. I crossed 96 different levels of anxiety with each step I climbed, and after a few minutes of furtive glances here and there in Syndi 2 the session started. We were given a lot of MBA GYAN as the first lecture revolved around statistics. Then we were told by almost all the professors what we can expect in the near future: loads and loads of assignments, case studies, projects and presentations.

The second day of the program started just like the first day; everyone rushing to the class, students skipping their breakfast, some students looked as if they had just woken up and come straight to the class. Enter Dr T Prasad also known as Dr MANDI, the person responsible for the famous marketing event MANDI. He kept aside the table and chair and sat on the floor and also called us to sit on the floor, it took a second for me to figure out what all was happening because without a doubt it was a unique experience for me. For the first time in my life I saw toys being used to teach management lessons. 

It was an enriching lecture with him telling us the real meaning of Doing “Dhanda”. He told us about the various aspects of Mandi event. The noteworthy point is that we have learned a lot, gained a lot of knowledge, now it’s time to think out of the box and apply what all we have learned to do DHANDA. It was surely one of the most memorable experience for me and looking forward for more experiences like these in the next two years.